Pat Mora’s “Cloud Dragons”
What do you seefrom Confetti: Poems for Children
In the clouds so high?
What do you see in the sky?
Oh, I see dragons
That curl their tails
As they go slithering by.
What do you see
In the clouds so high?
What do you see? Tell me, do.
Oh, I see caballitos*
That race the wind
high in the shimmering blue.
*little horses
Pat Mora promotes “book joy”, connecting all children to books.
In my book . . . Slithering dragons and a shimmering sky equal “word” joy!
In my book . . . Dragons are special. I’ve become fascinated with dragons especially those of Donita K. Paul (The DragonKeeper Chronicles). One of her characters is a librarian , Librettowit - what a great name for a librarian!
Anyplace that has no libraries, no bookstores, no institutions of higher learning is considered uncivilized and wild to our [Librettowit].from Dragonquest