July 20, 2007

Poetry Friday

One of the traditions in the Kidlit Blogosphere is


And this is a tradition that I hope to follow -
beginning with one of my favorite poets - Emily Dickinson.

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toil -
How frugal is the chariot

That bears a human soul!

from Poems of Emily Dickinson for Children

AND one by Shel Silverstein


If you add sicle to your pop,
Would he become a Popsicle?
Would a mop become a mopsicle?
Would a cop become a copsicle?
Would a chop become a chopsicle?
Would a drop become a dropsicle?
Would a hop become a hopsicle?
I guess it is time to stopsicle,
Or is it timesicle to stopsicle?
Heysicle, I can’t stopsicle.
Ohsicle mysicle wellsicle Isicle
Havesicle tosicle talksicle
Likesicle thissicle foreversicle -


from A Light In the Attic

In my book . . . there are lights on in their attics!